The Kathleen M. Rotz Lung Cancer Research Fund
9th Annual BITMOS Fundraising Event

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Where Does Your Donation Go

The Rotz Family has set up a fund in Kathy's memory at the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania. The name of the fund is The Kathleen M. Rotz Lung Cancer Research Fund. The Kathleen M. Rotz Lung Cancer Research Fund's designation is classified within The Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania, which is a component of the University of Pennsylvania, and operates, oversees and coordinates the cancer-related educational, research and clinical operations of the University of Pennsylvania Health System and the School of Medicine. The University of Pennsylvania is recognized as a not-for-profit organization and has 501(c)(3) tax status. As such, all contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law. The Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 23-1352685.

Dr. Steven Albelda, Dr. Christine Ciunci & The Penn Team

The Kathleen M. Rotz Lung Cancer Research Fund has been established to exclusively support Dr. Steven Albelda, Dr. Christine Ciunci & The Penn Team's lung cancer research, clinical trials and treatments taking place at the Abramson Cancer Center and Presbyterian Medical Center in developing remedies for advanced stage lung cancer and the ultimate cure of lung cancer. Current trends and projections indicate lung cancer will turn into a chronically managed disease by the year 2023. We believe the Fund can help bridge that gap.

We Believe The Cure Is Within !!!

We believe in Kathy's strength, determination and passion for life! We believe in the dedication, determination and passion of The Penn Team, and in their research to find a cure for this devastating disease.

How To Make A Donation

Donations can be made either online or by check. If you would like to make a donation online please visit Our Giving Page at the Penn Medicine Website. Alternatively, you can make your check payable to The Kathleen M. Rotz Lung Cancer Research Fund and mail it to the following address:

The Kathleen M. Rotz Lung Cancer Research Fund
c/o The Trustees of the University Of Pennsylvania
Attn: Christian Hyde
3535 Market Street – Suite 750
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Employer Matching Gifts

Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. While not the only resource, you can visit the website to learn if your employer has a matching gift policy. If your employer is not listed, it is a good idea to ask within your company. If your employer offers a matching gift policy and you choose to participate, please provide your employer the following information:

Tax Identification Number (EIN): 23-1352685
Name of the Fund: The Kathleen M. Rotz Lung Cancer Research Fund
Fund Number: 60351


The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.
— Robert F. Kennedy


Lung cancer is the deadliest cancer. The five year survival rate for lung cancer is 17.9% due to the high percentage of late stage diagnoses and inadequate federal funding and research. This is unacceptable. We believe we can make a difference and bridge the gap to an ultimate cure. Thank you for joining us!

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